Every candidate standing in Waltham Forest at the 2022 local council elections
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The countdown to the 2022 local elections has begun. On May 5, voters will go to the polls to choose the councillors that will represent them for the next four years.
More than 1,800 seats are up for grabs, with Labour hoping to secure control of councils like Wandsworth, Brent and Westminster, and the Conservatives battling to take over cash-strapped Croydon council and defend its territory elsewhere.
The Liberal Democrats will be keen to hold on to their leafy South West strongholds like Richmond and Sutton.
Labour are contesting every single seat up for grabs, while the Conservatives are running in 97 per cent of seats, the Lib Dems 72 per cent, and the Green Party a little less than half, according to data from Democracy Club. Smaller parties like the Havering Residents Association and Lutfur Rahman -led Aspire in Tower Hamlets will also hope to put up a strong challenge.
READ MORE: Local elections 2022: When are the London council elections and who can vote?
The full list of candidates for Waltham Forest are as follows:
Cann Hall Ward : Suleman Ahmed (Lib Dem); Joan Carder (Lib Dem); Henryka Gibbons (Cons); Kischa-Bianca Green (Lab); Otis Griffin (Cons); Eylem Kizil (Cons); Sally Littlejohn (Lab); Keith Rayner (Lab); Peter Richardson (Green); Tim Strange (Trade Union)
Cathall Ward: Naheed Asghar (Lab); Michael Buckworth (Cons); Elizabeth Jarvis (Green); Ricardo Joseph (Trade Union); Jonathan O'Dea (Lab); Mohammad Rana (Cons); Michael Rodden (Lib Dem)
Chapel End Ward: Beth Bramley (Lib Dem); Paul Douglas (Lab); Kenneth Driscoll (Trade Union); Gillian Hemsted (Cons); Roger Hemsted (Cons); Irfan Khadim (Cons); Alexander Lewis (Lib Dem); Martin Miller (Lib Dem); Louise Mitchell (Lab); Steve Terry (Lab); Glenroy Watson (Trade Union); Susan Wheat (Green)
Chingford Green Ward: Rehan Ali-Rahman (Lab); Craig Bayne (Green); Henry Doyle (Lib Dem); Nathan Burns (Lab); Matt Davis (Reform UK); MItchell Goldie (Cons); Sazimet Imre (Cons); Kay Isa (Cons); Nigel Large (Lab)
Endlebury: Ray Berg (Cons); Emma Best (Cons); Sharon King (Lab); Nigel Lea (Lib Dem); Sarah Sachs-Eldridge (Trade Union); Robin Williams (Reform UK); Luke Willmoth (Lab)
Forest: Arshad Ahmad (Trade Union); Kastriot Berberi (Lab); Marsela Berberi (Lab); Josh Hadley (Lib Dem); Ismet Karamehmet (Cons); Sakarya Karamehmet (Cons); Sema Karamehmet (Cons); Zafran Malik (Lab); Justin Randle (Lib Dem); Glyn Roberts (Green); Gavin Sallery (Lib Dem): Arnold Ssekandwa (Trade Union)
Grove Green: Arran Angus (Lib Dem); Luke Berg (Cons); Kathleen Berg (Cons); Iona Berg (Cons); Joseph Dyer (Lib Dem); Khevyn Limbajee (Lab); Anna Mbachu (Lab); Naomi McCarthy (Lib Dem); Maureen Measure (Green); Kevin Parslow (Trade Union); Uzma Rasool (Lab)
Hale End and Highams Park South: Tony Bell (Lab); Kieran Cooke (Cons); Christine Dean (Women's Equality Party); Rosalind Dore (Lab); Michael Holloway (Green); James Ivens (Trade Union); Canan Nuri (Lib Dem); Ed Pond (Independent), Huma Stone (Cons)
Hatch Lane and Highams Park: Catherine Burns (Lab; Louise Cuffaro (Trade Union); Marion Fitzgerald (Cons); Daniel Fryd (Lab); Justin Halabi (Cons); Tim James (Cons); Zia Rehman (Lab); Robert Tatam (Green)
High Street: Raja Anwar (Lab); Munish Chopra-Evans (Cons); Robert Cocking (Lib Dems); Thomas Connor (Lab); Crystal Ikenachor (Lab); Muhammad Khan (Cons); Hasnain Latif (Cons); Katherine Pollard (Lib Dem); Jan Dinant Schreuder (Lib Dem); Nancy Taaffe (Trade Union); Nathan Wallace-Esnard (Trade Union); Abigail Woodman (Green)
Higham Hill: Louise Ashcroft (Green); Karen Bellamy (Lab); Michael Cleverley (Trade Union); Leticia Gil Martinez (Lib Dem); Humayun Islam (Cons); Saima Islam (Cons); Ryan Kelly (Lib Dem); Kira Lewis (Lab); Ariba Sheikh (Cons); Patrick Smith (Lib Dem); Alistair Strathern (Lab)
Hoe Street: Paul Bell (Trade Union); Andrew Dixon (Lab); James Goodman (Lib Dem); Mary Ipadeola (Cons); Muahmmad Irfan (Cons); Ahsan Khan (Lab); Stephen Lambert (Green); Naila Mir (Cons); Miriam Mirwitch (Lab); Ciara Simmons (Lib Dem)
Larkswood: Lily Douglas (Trade Union); Mahmood Faiz (Lib Dem); Moynul Hussain (Lab); Richard King (Reform UK); Bilal Mahmood (Lab); Carina Millstone (Green); John Moss (Cons); Sam O'Connell (Cons); Tom Quigley (Independent); Catherine Saumarez (Cons); Beatrice Stern (Lab)
Leabridge: Shabana Qadir (Lab), Solene Fabios (Independent); Maqsoom Hussain (Cons); Gerry Lyons (Lab); Ben Robinson (Trade Union); Jennifer Whilby (Lab); Muhammad Zafar (Cons)
Leyton: Shaukhat Ali (Lib Dem); Meera Chadha-Moynihan (Lib Dem); Rhiannon Eglin (Lab); Rob Gardner (Green); Whitney Ihenachor (Lab); Eliz Karamahmet (Cons); Lauren Maske (Cons); Ehsanullah Muhammed (Cons); Martin Reynolds (Trade Union); Trevor Stone (Lib Dem); Terry Wheeler (Lab)
Leytonstone: Shenice Adams (Cons); Matthew Bowden (Cons); Mark Davies (Green); Jenny Gray (Lab); Roger Harrison (Lib Dem); Len Hockey (Trade Union); Shahamima Khan (Cons); Charlotte Lafferty (Green); Clyde Loakes (Lab); David McCarthy (Lib Dem); Sadia Mirza (Lib Dem); Marie Pye (Lab) Maria Talaia (Trade Union); RoseMary Warrington
Markhouse : Christine Addenbrooke (Lib Dem); Ed Bird (Lib Dem); Faizan Hasan (Cons); Johar Khan (Lab); Samina Maqsoom (Cons); Linda Taafe (Trade Union); Sharon Waldron (Lab)
St James: Rachel Barrat (Green); Catherine Deakin (Lab); Charlie Edwards (Trade Union); Noshaab Khiljee (Cons); Mike Lewendon (Lib Dem); Zara Maqsoom (Cons); Nicholas Martlew (Lib Dem); Faisal Mehmood (Cons); Sebastian Salek (Lab); Katy Thompson (Lab)
Upper Walthamstow: Md Moufazzal (Cons); Sameed Fawad; Lee Hawksby (Trade Union); Jane Morgan (Lib Dem); Yusuf Patel (Lab); Roger Payne (Green Party); Caramel Quin (Labour); Molly Samuel Leport (Cons)
Valley: Afzal Akram (Cons); Elizabeth Baptiste (Labour); Sarah Chaney (Labour); Eric Heinze (Lib Dem); Jemma Hemsted (Cons); Joanna Loxton (Lib Dem); Ipek Ozerim (Lib Dem); Kimberley Tonner (Cons); Neil Weeks (Lab)
William Morris: Hamza Ali (Cons); Kizzy Gardiner (Lab); Henry Greenwood (Green); Shaeb Khan (Cons); Paula Mitchell (Trade Union); Jack Phipps (Labour); Anmol Seher (Cons); Grace Williams
Wood Street: Tom Addenbrooke (Lib Dem); Vicky Ashworth (Lab); Rupert Dougall (Cons); Mary Finch (Trade Union); Seyyed Naqv (Cons); Richard Sweden (Lab)
Matt is a trainee reporter specialising in LGBT+ issues, including speaking to LGBTQ+ activist Peter Tatchell ahead of the 50th anniversary of Gay Pride in the UK, an interview with an ex-Lieutenant Commander who was forced to keep his sexuality a secret in the Armed Forces for 20 years who lost his partner to AIDS two days before he left the Navy, and speaking to the founder of The Gay Men's Dance Company, which offers pole dancing classes, among others.
Got a story? You can reach Matt at matt.spivey@reachplc.com or DM him on Twitter via @mattlspivey.