Monthly Archives: August 2023

Dying from vaping: Most vaping lung illness deaths are linked to THC –

Filed under:Eighty-four percent of people who died in the outbreak used THC products, according to an analysis of a subset of patients.For weeks, it’s been clear THC vape products are playing a major role in the outbreak of vaping-related illness that has sickened more than 1,600 people across the country. But what hasn’t been clear […]

Soho's got the Blues, Pinks and Patterns – New York Social Diary

Soho is filled with many new things these days. Expansions, comebacks, reboots and new arrivals among them. Some of the spaces are minuscule, and others are quite big. Just like New York. As the summer season approaches, there are many new looks available to the shoppers, and maybe even non-shoppers, among us.The Frankie Shop is a “cool girls” […]

Spatial and temporal changes of outdoor thermal stress: influence of … –

Thank you for visiting You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer). In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript.Advertisement […]

Kitty Hawks – New York Social Diary

We didn’t want to leave the Westchester house that Kitty Hawks and her husband Larry Lederman have spent 24 years perfecting—it is perfect. Although everyone we interview loves their homes, somehow Kitty seemed to love hers with a special and protective intensity. How it has paid off—comfortable rooms full of lovely things, a house surrounded by gracefully designed gardens […]

Fentanyl-laced vape pens among teens concern after Tennessee … – WKYT

LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) – Drug treatment advocates and school officials in Kentucky are warning about the early signs of a dangerous and potentially deadly trend among teens.They say vape pen products are being laced with fentanyl.Three staff members at a Tennessee high school were exposed earlier this week likely from a student’s vape pen.The DEA […]