'Hand of God' appears in weird cloud formation pointing at the moon – The Mirror

The incredible appearance stunned Diane Fryd and her family, who jumped out of their car to record and share it
A woman has captured an unusual cloud formation which looks like a GIANT HAND pointing at the moon.
The image, which was taken on Sunday night in the sky over Ashford in Kent, resembles the hand of the Almighty , according to baffled snapper Diane Fryd.
"The moon looked really big and bright that night," she told the Daily Mail.
"When my family and I saw the hand-shaped cloud we stopped the car and I got out and took a photo."
Read more: 'Iridescent cloud' leaves people in Costa Rica fearing it's the end of the world

The weird outline looks like it's a closed hand with an extended index finger pointing at the moon.
It follows a spate of interesting cloud formations, including an image of Michael Jackson moonwalking and Sonic the Hedgehog .
Last month a massive cloud with an iridescent glow stunned people in Costa Rica as it appeared in the sky.
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