Monthly Archives: November 2023
Hvorfor skal bare noen av oss få legge beslag på de sentrale kolonihage-områdene? Svaret ligger kanskje i byhistorien.Ideen om å ha egne dyrkingsparseller i byen er egentlig utrolig gammel og kommer langveis fra. Allerede de gamle romerne innførte mulighetene for å dyrke mat utenfor bymuren etter hvert som Roma ble trangbodd. Det var neppe tanken […]
2021 m. rugpjūčio 21 d. rengiama Kryžiaus, esančio prie Rubikių kapinių, atstatymo šventė. Atkūrus Lietuvos Nepriklausomybę 1990 metais, Rubikių kaimo gyventojų ir Vytauto Misiūno rūpesčiu buvo pastatytas ąžuolinis kryžius priešais Rubikių kapines.Prie kaimo kryžiaus gyventojai ateidavo melstis, uždegdavo žvakutę, katalikiškų švenčių proga padėdavo gėlių.Keliaujantys maršrutu Anykščiai — Utena ar atvykstantys į Rubikius traukinuku,grožėdavosi mediniu kryžiumi […]
BlackLine Named ‘Accounting Automation Platform of the Year 2019’ AiThoritysource
The next day was a big test for my plan. Cruise people and day-trippers tend to go from the Piazzetta through the Torre dell’Orologio to the Rialto and back again. The entire Piazza San Marco was so jam-packed that you could barely walk through it in 2017.That made it impossible to get into the Basilica […]
They say September is the best month in the Hamptons. I vote for July. Still, in August, it’s a comforting thought. October has a few good boating days. Just when it seemed safe to go in the water — literally — Hamptons invites floated in.First, was Kara Ross’ dinner party for Another Body, and producer Elizabeth Woodward, […]
This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigateSacred Dreams, an aerial work of art honoring the Jewish diaspora, was donated by Loundonville’s Dr. Robert Feldman to the Jewish Museum of Florida, a building that was once the first Jewish synagogue in Miami Beach.Sacred Dreams is composed of 183 strange, richly colored shapes […]
Si ;D-innlegg: Regelverket og informasjonen bør komme tydeligere frem. Vi lever i en tid hvor sosiale medier dominerer en ungdoms hverdag. Det kan være fryd og glede, men i bunn og grunn skal man behandle det med respekt. Sosiale mediers makt er rett og slett undervurdert av både voksne og barn.Politiet kaller det en kultur, […]
Philanthropist and event chair Jean Shafiroff hosted a kickoff party in honor of the Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation’s (SASF) 14th Annual Unconditional Love Gala at El Turco Hamptons.Friends and supporters of the Foundation and event chair Jean Shafiroff gathered at El Turco Hamptons with Cagri Kanver to celebrate the summer campaign in support of the Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation (SASF).Notable Attendees included: Jean Shafiroff, Cagri Kanver, […]
Martha Stewart. (Photo: Lee Fryd)Art Basel doesn’t just happen in Miami Beach, it takes it over, electrifying its heart and clogging its arteries. Ancillary art fares dot the island. Parties range from exclusive soirees to block and beach fests. Gallery and store events stretch from Vizcaya in South Miami to the Spinello Project in the […]