Man who threatened to 'stab a copper' so he could go back to jail branded 'serious risk to public safety' – North Wales Live

Matthew Smith walked through Wrexham with a large kitchen knife and approached police station brandishing it
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A man who said he was "going to stab a copper” before walking through Wrexham with a large kitchen knife was jailed for 20 months today.
Matthew Lewis Smith had only just been been let out of prison after a 14-day sentence for criminal damage, Mold Crown Court heard.
But during a probation meeting at Ty Brian care home on Salop Road on Tuesday October 18 2018, where he was staying, he said jail was the best time of his life and he wanted to go back, Mold Crown Court heard.
The 41-year-old said he was “going to stab a copper”, took a large knife from the kitchen, left and walked past Eagles Meadow retail park, Waterworld leisure centre and the courts on his way to the police station on Bodhfyrd, said prosecutor Sarah Badrawy.
On the way he brandished the knife and walked past alarmed members of the public, including a shocked elderly lady.
Staff at the care home had alerted police and he was challenged by an officer near the station who pointed stun gun at him.
“He dropped the knife and dropped to his knees,” said Ms Badrawy.
She added: “When he was cautioned he said: ‘How many years will I get for this?’”
“There was an elderly woman who was nearby who was very shocked and frightened,” Ms Badrway said.
At a court hearing in November 2018, Smith admitted carrying a knife at Bodhfryd, but denied making a threat to kill which was accepted by the prosecution.
That hearing heard Smith had previously been the subject of a hospital order under the Mental Health Act.
But a full psychiatric report prepared on Smith found he did not to have a mental health condition, the court heard today.
Defending John Hedgecoe said: “He is a difficult character who can be his own worst enemy.”
He added: “The ongoing problem is how somebody can try to find him accommodation where he can fit in sufficiently, so he can have a quiet life and other people can have a quiet life as well.”
The court heard he had 13 previous convictions for 26 offences , mostly public order offences.
Sentencing Smith, Judge Niclas Parry said: “All signs are that you could be a dangerous man and a serious risk to public safety.”
Commenting after, Det Sgt Iolo Edwards said: “The safety of those who work for the emergency services is paramount.
“We always take threats against police officers with the utmost seriousness and will put such offenders before the court.”
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